Best Chain Locks 2023: Heavy-Duty E6 Combination Chain Lock

Chain locks have consistently been highly sought-after because of their flexibility and ability to adapt to various objects, enhancing security maintenance. E6, the latest addition to the Extrbici category, is a heavy-duty chain lock crafted from rigid manganese alloy material, creating a novel combination chain lock that effectively addresses user concerns regarding property security.



When selecting a chain lock, the most crucial factor to consider is the level of security it provides. E6 lock chain is continuously improved and enhanced in terms of security to offer better protection against theft tools.

E6 employs a 9mm manganese square chain made from durable and wear-resistant alloy material. In abrasion resistance tests, E6 has proven its ability to effectively withstand attacks from angle grinders and 20-ton hydraulic pliers, positioning itself at the forefront of abrasion resistance.

The E6 chain lock chain is also equipped with a thick plastic cover made of EVA, ensuring comfort during use and preventing scratches on the surface of the object. Additionally, it boasts a professional anti-theft rating of level 6, meeting the user’s security needs.

Furthermore, E6 has upgraded the locking mechanism from a traditional key lock to a combination lock. This new combination lock can be easily unlocked by sliding the combination, eliminating the need to carry keys and enhancing the demanded level of security.



Chain locks do not offer a substantial weight benefit compared to other types of locks due to variations in their forged structures. The security level of a chain lock is directly proportional to the thickness of the chain, while the length of the chain lock determines its flexibility and the range of applications it can be used for. However, it is worth noting that as the chain becomes thicker and longer, it also becomes heavier, making it less convenient for everyday carrying. Therefore, when selecting a suitable chain lock, it is crucial to take into account the parameters of chain thickness, length, and weight.

The E6 chain lock is designed with a 9mm thickness, 110cm length, and weighs approximately 2.3kg. These specifications are carefully determined for various user requirements to ensure security and portability. The 9mm chain thickness effectively protects against theft tools, providing higher protection. The 110cm chain length is moderate, striking a balance between being too short, which would limit the lock’s range, and being too long, which would make the lock too heavy. The E6 chain lock can effectively wrap around most object surfaces, overcoming the limitations of shorter chains, and is suitable for use on bicycles, door locks, and more. With a weight of 2.3kg, the E6 chain lock is lightweight enough to be easily carried daily without causing a heavy burden for the user.


How to use

E6 is a user-friendly tool that can be effortlessly utilized. Simply remove it from its cover, release the chain lock, and securely fasten it around the desired object. Once in place, engage the chain lock and set the combination lock to ensure optimal security for the object.



Chain locks that offer enhanced portability and heightened security measures tend to be more expensive. Typically, chain locks with superior security features come at a higher price point, but it’s important to note that not all high-priced products guarantee optimal security. The E6 chain lock, priced at $79, provides users with a professional level of protection and ensures high-quality security within the $100 range. It also offers a wide range of applications for various scenarios and better maintenance of user product security.


Advantages of choosing chain lock

The usage of chain locks offers greater flexibility, as the locking area can be expanded by adjusting the chain’s position. This allows for securing various objects with different shapes and sizes. Moreover, chain locks are easier to use as the chain can be wrapped around the item without any difficulty in finding the optimal locking angle. In terms of security, chain locks provide a higher level of protection than common U-locks. They are not vulnerable to simple lock-picking tools and are more resistant to wear and tear caused by theft tools.


E6 Chain Lock

The level of security a chain lock offers should be the primary consideration when choosing it. It is essential to choose a lock that is not only within your budget but also meets your specific security requirements to enhance the protection of your property. E6 is an excellent choice for a chain lock as it combines security, practicality, and adaptability. Its square manganese design and 9mm thickness provide a high level of protection. Moreover, it is a fantastic high-quality solution for individuals with a budget under $100.

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